Contract Negotiations



TVA and the EA completed negotiations per the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the three-year period beginning FY25 through FY27.  The following negotiated items were mutually agreed upon and will be effective September 23, 2024.

Pay Budget and Market Rates for Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, and 2027

  •   A 13% Pay Budget over three years was negotiated. FY25 will be 5.9%, FY26 will be 4.1% and FY27 will be 3.0%. Employees pay adjustments are calculated on the new midpoint for the position.

  • The Market Rates are increased in accordance with Supplementary Agreement 4:B using published salary surveys. Market rates for FY25 are listed in the attached link. The market rate for FY26 will increase 3.075% and FY27 will increase by 2.25%.

OT Pay on Scheduled Non-Workdays in Other Than 5-Day Workweek

  • Changes to the language in S:4.J will allow non-exempt employees to receive twice the straight-time rate on their 2nd off-day worked if two or more off-days are worked in a workweek.  Exempt employees temporarily placed on the inflexible schedule will receive time-and-one-half the straight-time rate their 2nd off-day worked if two or more off-days are worked in a workweek.

Shift Differential Pay Increase

  • Shift Differential Pay will increase 15 cents per hour for employees on scheduled multiple shift work. Evening shift is $1.15 per hour and night shift is $1.40 per hour.

Compa-Ratio Reviews

  • Establish a joint committee to review the current compa-ratio of EA represented employees.

If you have questions concerning Negotiations, please contact your Designated Union Representative (DUR), an EA Officer or send message thru the website.

I want to thank everyone on the Negotiations Team and our EA Staff for their hard work and commitment to the employees we represent.

EA Negotiations Team - Section Presidents & Valley-Wide Officers

                  Chattanooga:    David Littlejohn Southern:           Cody Slaton

      Nashville-West: Natalie Gilmore Vice President:  Anthony Chorney

   Chickamauga:  Matthew Wallace Secretary:         Jay Williams

   North-Eastern:  Jerri Dolan Treasurer:         Greg Jennings

In Unity,

Carolyn Wilson

EA Valley-Wide President